Third Sunday in Lent – March 12, 2023

John 4:5-42

That story we just heard…of Jesus talking with a Samaritan woman at the well outside of Sychar…is a story full of wonder.

  • Well then…it is a wonder that the conversation happens at all.
  • The barriers are great.
  • Jesus is a Jew…and the woman is a Samaritan.
  • Between Samaritan and Jew there is a wall of separation.
  • Just like what in our time separates the Israeli from the Palestinian.


The Jews and Samaritans are related peoples.

  • Both are Hebrews.
  • The Samaritans are from the old northern kingdom of Israel.
  • The Jews are from the old southern kingdom of Judah.


To make a long story short…

  • The Samaritans inter-married with non-Jewish peoples…
  • And lost much of their ethnic identity.
  • But the Jews maintained their ethnic purity.


Why? Because the Northern Kingdom of Israel was more geographically open and cosmopolitan.

  • But the Southern Kingdom of Judah was geographically closed off by deserts and highlands and wilderness.
  • Hence…they remained parochial and ethnically pure.


Each group ended up with their own temple:

  • The Samaritans on Mount Gerizim.
  • The Jews on Mount Zion…Jerusalem.
  • And so…it is a wonder that Jesus chooses to travel through Samaritan territory.
  • That he strikes up a conversation with a Samaritan is even more of a wonder.


There’s something additional that makes this conversation beside the well a wonder.

  • In that place and time men and women are not to talk to one another in public.
  • It is not considered proper.
  • Especially so…when the man is a rabbi…a teacher…like Jesus.
  • Someone looked up to as an example of propriety.
  • That’s why the disciples…when they return…are wondering why Jesus is talking with a woman.


Still…another wonder…is that she has been rejected by her own people.

  • She comes to the well to draw water at noon…and she comes alone.
  • Noon is the hottest time of the day.
  • Morning and evening are times to do the hard work of drawing water from the well…and hauling it home.
  • And this is work that women do in company with one another.
  • It is a chance for a chat…for some social contact.
  • But this woman goes to the well at a time when she will be alone.
  • She sees herself as a misfit.
  • She avoids others in order not to be hurt yet again by their words.
  • Their attitudes…their hard looks.
  • So…it is a wonder that this conversation ever happened.

Jesus and the woman meet beside an ancient well that is more than a hundred feet deep and seven feet wide.

  • The woman thinks Jesus is talking about some hidden stream he knows that is way better than this well.
  • She wants a faucet in her kitchen…so she won’t have to haul buckets any more…and who can blame her?
  • But what Jesus promises is a source of life in her heart.
  • She is confused about what he offers.
  • But she knows it is something she needs desperately.


It’s a wonder that Jesus knows the details of this stranger’s life.

  • She has had a painful and unhappy time of it.
  • We come to understand that this woman feels alone and exiled from her neighbors.


The woman wonders how Jesus knows the truth about her.

  • She wonders even more that…knowing the truth…he accepts her.
  • For her…this is an encounter with the holy.
  • The man must be a prophet.


And then she wonders even more…and asks Jesus to resolve the long-standing question of who is right:

  • Jews or Samaritans?
  • Which is the correct temple:
  • Gerizim or Jerusalem?
  • And a wonderful surprise comes when Jesus says:
  • True worship will no longer be based on location.
  • But instead…will be a matter of spirit and truth.


The woman then confesses her faith in the messiah who is to come.

  • And wonder of wonders:
  • Jesus says that he is…THAT… messiah.
  • REVEALING his identity.
  • NOT to his very own disciples.
  • NOT to his very own people.
  • NOT to their very own religious leaders.


BUT…revealing his identity to THIS ONE…who is insignificant and…on the edge…three times over:

  • She is a Samaritan.
  • She is a woman.
  • She is an exile among her own kind.
  • We do not even know her name.
  • YET!
  • Jesus entrusts her.
  • Jesus endows her.
  • With his deepest secret.
  • The truth of who he is.


The conversation ends.

  • Because the disciples come back from their trip to buy food.
  • But the wonders do not end.
  • The woman leaves her expensive and valuable water jar there…at the well.
  • It is heavy…and she wants to be free of it as she runs back into the city.


There in Sychar…she tells people to come and see Jesus.

  • There in Sychar…she testifies:
  • “He told me everything that I did!”
  • And a crowd follows her back out to the well.
  • So large is the crowd that Jesus compares it to fields ready to be harvested.

It’s a wonder that someone like this bears witness.

  • After all…she is a reject…a woman with no name…no social standing.
  • Her experience with Jesus is brief.
  • She has no training.
  • She has not been given a commission.
  • It’s a wonder that people heed her.
  • Yet they do…because her witness is:
  • Compelling and authentic.
  • She is…THE genuine article.


Oh…and one more wonder:

  • She has had plenty of experience with the rough edges of life.
  • Her understanding of Jesus is far from complete.
  • Yet…she speaks of what she knows.
  • Her focus is not on herself.
  • Her focus is on Jesus.